7th & 8th Grade Retreat

The retreat will take place Friday, January 26th-Sunday, January 28th, 2024 at Forest Home Christian Camp in Forest Falls. The retreat itinerary will be full of teaching, worship, reflection time, fellowship, and lots of fun activities. Our kids will join a special junior high weekend at the camp and will hear from speaker Jeff Bachman.

We will meet at CLC on Friday, January 26th at 2:00 PM and hit the road by 2:30 PM. We will eat dinner once we arrive at camp, but kids can bring snacks with them for the weekend and may also purchase snacks at the camp snack shack. We will return from camp on Sunday, January 28th in the afternoon, likely between 3-4 PM.


The price of the retreat is $299 for students and $189 for adults - this fee will cover all activities and meals from Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast. 


Please click on the link to register for the retreat: https://come2christ.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/188/responses/new