What is a Lutheran?
Lutheran was the name given to a movement beginning in the 1500s that sought to reform the church so that its teaching and worship were in greater accordance with Scripture. The movement eventually came to be named after one of its primary leaders, Martin Luther. Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic friar (similar to a monk) whose love for Scripture and need for grace compelled him to seek reform.
The primary aim of the Lutheran movement has always been threefold: (1) be faithful to Scripture, (2) emphasize the saving grace of Christ over and above the religious performance of man, and (3) call people to radical trust (faith) in the goodness of God. This has often been condensed to a popular Reformation slogan: Word Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone.
Altogether, Luther himself wanted his movement to merely be called “Christian.” (He regularly reminded everyone, “Luther did not die for you.”) And that is, in the end, what it means to be a Lutheran – a follower of Christ.