404:Page Not Found: Thou Shalt not Kill

This is message is how do we work out a Biblical theology on important issues today. Can Christians disagree?

We will focus on viewing the world through a Biblical lens without falling into idolatry. Specifically, we’ll look at issues related to Justice, Crime and the Death Penalty 

404:Page Not Found: Money is the root of all evil

As Christians, how do we treat money? How do we tell if it is a God in our life? The real contrast is love of money vs trusting God.

  • Chaplin of the Senate responding to guy who had $500,000 salary and couldn’t let himself give 10% -- “Lord, please reduce this man’s salary so he can afford to tithe”
  • Parable of the ten apples. God gives you nine to live on. Why get greedy with the tenth?  

The prophetic donkey speaks….

How do we know the will of God? We like to plug along thinking about we think is best, but sometimes God has another plan. I figured by now I would be part of the fugitive task force, or the lead pastor of a megachurch in Texas but that didn’t happen. What does God have in store for you that you have been blind to? 

Mercy without Justice or Justice without Mercy?

Walking between mercy and justice? Absalom’s life was all mercy till Joab put three javelins into his heart. What do we learn from mercy in a culture where everybody tells us that we are snowflakes. 

“Where Do I Fit in the Kingdom of God?”

One of the gifts of the book of Revelation is the sweep of history that we get. In this passage, we see these two witnesses in the last days of earth, speaking the truth. Where do we fit? Do we have that courage? Can we live a life pleasing to God in troubled times? 

I have a brain, no really, I do!

So often we Christians are told that we have to just take things on faith and not to think about stuff.  How do faith and reason connect? Is faith bind? What can we learn from thinkers like Pascal, Lewis, Chesterton, and Tolkien?

Plus, what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? And what are the epistemological limits of faith?